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Adult: Project
Montessori List for Adult Books 

The following are some suggested books to further your knowledge of Montessori through the eyes of parents, professionals and Maria Montessori herself. Many of these books we have available for checkout in our own Middleburg Montessori Library! Come and browse our selection!

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Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius 

                   by Dr. Angeline Lillard


Dr. Lillard explains each principle of the Montessori approach and outlines current research studies that corroborate the effectiveness of the Method. It was written by an academic and reads like a textbook.  I absolutely LOVE it and feel it offers fascinating insight into the brilliant mind of Dr. Montessori. Read an excerpt here!


Understanding the Human Being 

                           by Dr. Silvana Montanaro


Dr. Montanaro is the Director of Training for the 0-3 (Assistants to Infancy) AMI Montessori training courses in several countries.  She has dedicated her life to educating parents about the importance of the first three years of life.  Her book offers a fascinating look into the psyche of the infant and provides parents with useful information to support their baby’s development from birth.


The Absorbent Mind

               by Dr. Maria Montessori


This is Dr. Montessori’s chef d’ouvre, a powerful tome that synthesizes a lifetime of discoveries.  I’ve read it probably seven times, but I could read it seven hundred more and still find new layers of wisdom and insight.  This book is like the finest of chocolate truffles, best enjoyed by taking one little bite at a time and savoring its complexity.


The Child In the Family

                              by Dr. Maria Montessori


This is a great book that discusses the parents’ role in the child’s development, and the impact of our parenting decisions.  It’s easier to assimilate than The Absorbent Mind, yet it’s also written in the beautiful and inspiring prose that all of Dr. Montessori’s books share.


Understanding Montessori: A Guide for Parents

                      by Maren and Dana Schmidt


Maren and Dana are a mother-daughter team of Montessori teachers whose goal is to help parents understand Montessori and learn what to look for in a quality school. Read an excerpt here!


Montessori Madness: A Parent-to-Parent Argument for Montessori Education

                                         by Trevor Eissler


Trevor is a Montessori parent and writes in a friendly and approachable manner about the main aspects of Montessori and how they help children reach their potential.  Read an excerpt here!


Montessori From the Start: The Child at Home from Birth to Age Three

                            by Paula Polk Lillard and Lynn Lillard Jessen


This is another mother-daughter team that tackles the important early years of childhood development.  They do a good job of explaining the child’s developmental stages and needs.


How to Raise an Amazing Child, the Montessori Way 

                                              by Tim Seldin


Tim is the president of the Montessori Foundation, a non-profit organization that fosters awareness of the Montessori approach.  The book has beautiful pictures and focuses on home-based activities for children ages 0-6.

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