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Toddlers: The Young Children's Community 

16 months - 3 years


Our specially prepared indoor and outdoor environment helps the young children to become an independent and engaged. Young children go through sensitive periods of intense interest and growth. The Young Children's Community supports this growth through movement, exploration, and social engagement.

YCC Montessori students engaging with the school animals in the MMS outdoor classroom

Words from Maria Montessori


"He does it with his hands, by experience, first in play and then through work. The hands are the instruments of man's intelligence." 

The Absorbent Mind, p. 25 

"Help me do it myself" 

Children have a natural drive to be independent which we encourage by creating an environment where everything is just the right size for he or she to do things on her own.


Child sized tools that fit her tiny hands allow he or she to prepare a snack and serve it to friends. A miniature broom empowers he or she to clean up on their own.


He or she is taught the skills of self-care and toilet training. Your child learns a set of concrete life skills and self-confidence – but, more importantly, develops the belief that he or she can choose to make a genuine impact on her world.

YCC Montessori practicing the practical life skill of doing laundry while furthering their coordination and development
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